MediCheck: an App for Drug Interactions

During my senior year of high school, I was searching far and wide for a college education that would set me up to become a well rounded deign thinker. I came across USC's Iovine and Young Academy, which is a highly competitive program that blends tech, design, and entrepreneurship.

I poured my heart and soul into the rigorous and elaborate application. While I did not end up with a spot in the program, this application was my first taste of product design, and sparked the passion that still drives me to be excited about this field.

An App that Matters

One of the application prompts was to ideate an idea, product or service that served a purpose.

Enter: MediCheck, a medical app where users upload their prescription lists and scan over the counter medicine and supplements, giving them the ability to check for drug interactions and asses the risk. Users can share medical profiles with babysitters, grandparents, teachers, etc.

Personal Experience

I analyzed my own experience with health issues as well as close friends who I watched struggle to handle their many prescriptions on their own.

From my own research and conversations with people close to me, I gathered the main Pain Points that make buying over the counter prescriptions difficult:
  1. Having to guess if over the counter medication is going to cause a reaction
  2. Keeping track of medication lists for others and one's self
  3. Feeling safe while making quick decisions in regards to health

Final Prototype

As a seventeen year old, I remember Googling "app prototyping software", stumbling upon Figma, and playing around with the application for what seemed like forever before I even had a simple interaction on my screen.

Looking back now, this product is something that I am hoping to get back to working on, now equipped with matured skills and UX knowledge. While there are many points of critique that I notice now, this project will always be important to me because of the drive it sparked in my desire to create things that matter to people - a drive that still motivates me to this day.