Munch Bunch Food Delivery App

Gif of MunchBunch food delivery app mockup.
market research
journey mapping
Role & Activities
During my Summer UX course intensive in South Africa, I worked with two other students to research and design an innovative food delivery app. Our group was paired with another, who acted as a client, assigning us a brief of their user's needs and personal traits.
In my team with two other UX interns, I had the most experience with UX design. I took the lead on formulating a plan organize our design process and next steps. The only one with experience using Figma, I led my partners through the software, teaching them how to work with it efficiently and confidently.
Design Lead
Student at iXperience
Two Weeks
July 2022
Mockup of MunchBunch food delivery app.

Addressing a Need

Our client asked for a food delivery app that addresses a few key needs:
  1. Ability to filter restaurants by dietary restrictions
  2. Features local restaurants and personal favorites
  3. In-app interaction or entertainment of some sort

Our team discussed our personal experiences with food delivery apps, wanting to ensure that our design solves a real problem. We know that nearly half of all adult eating occasions are completely alone, and many of us shared how eating alone negatively impacts our experience and relationship with food. We decided to focus our app on addressing this issue.

How Might We...
promote connection through an interactive food delivery app in order to decrease loneliness experienced while eating.

Understanding the User

After meeting with our client and getting an understanding of the user they were attempting to reach, we conducted market research and put together a user persona chart.

User Persona for food delivery app.

User Journey Mapping

By thinking about how Samantha would move through our mobile app, we were able to refine our ideas to decide on main features.

Our users will be able to:

  1. Play in-app games with other users anonymously
  2. Create their own personal animated avatars
  3. Stay entertained with games specifically for when their order is on the way
User Journey mapping for Munch Bunch.

Ideation Process

Each of my partners and I spent eight minutes in a round of "Crazy 8's" to quickly jot down our initial screen ideations.

I found that this exercise is an essential part of my design process, as it allows me to get something on paper without overthinking the details or perfection of the sketch.

Paper wireframes of Munch Bunch food delivery app.


After our initial sketches, we had discussions about features from each of our papers that we wanted to incorporate into our next iterations. I delegated tasks and screens to my teammates and we began to work in Figma, creating mid-fi wireframes to prepare for review from our client and professor.

I took the lead on the layout of the Explore page as well as the individual Restaurant's page. My teammates worked on the screens that followed, taking on the Details page and the Game screens that incorporated interactivity to our app.

Wireframes of Munch Bunch.

Final Prototype

With every meeting with the client, my team and I were able to improve our design by making minor adjustments to increase readability. We remained cautious of of use of yellows and oranges, keeping users with visual impairments in mind.

We also elaborated on our in-app game feature, knowing that it was the main component that sets our product apart from other food delivery apps in the market. By playing games and interacting with others in the MunchBunch app, users can earn points, nicknamed "Noms". These Noms earn users real world prizes, such as a free drink or the option to donate a meal to someone in their area in need.

My team and I wanted to take this product as far as we could in Figma given the project timeline. We made every piece of the prototype interactive that we could, which was quite an effort given our novelty and limited experience using Figma.

Mid-fi wireframes of Munch Bunch.