Younglings Africa Alumni Portal

Mockup gif of Alumni Portal.
UX Researcher and Designer
Younglings Africa
Four Weeks
July 2022
Role & Activities
Younglings Africa is a non-profit that connects young self-starters with the resources to become successful software engineers. Our intern project was to ideate and prototype some sort of alumni portal where Younglings students could stay connected with staff and alumni.
As UX interns at Younglings, we worked directly with a manager to understand the company's values and needs. I acted as the main advocate for our group, scheduling check-ins with our manager, setting up interviews with candidates, and reaching out to alumni.

The Context

‍Younglings is a non-profit company based in Cape Town, South Africa. Applicants are selected to participate in a year-long foundational program that provides them with the help and resources they need to be successful even after their graduation date. After the program, many of the 'candidates' go on to work at major tech companies, and some even come back to work at Younglings.
Current candidates have trouble making connections with professionals who have graduated from Younglings, which closes off a world of opportunity and mentorship.
Design Steps Diagram: Empathize, Conceptualize, Design.

1. Empathize

Understanding the User

My team and I were fortunate enough to be in the office in Cape Town, working next to the candidates who would eventually be using our proposed product. We conducted a group interview with six current candidates and alumni, from varying backgrounds, enrolled in different career path "guilds" at Younglings.

Here are the main Pain Points we gathered from interviews with the candidates & alumni:
  1. Too many channels of communication
  2. Alumni ghost the candidates or it is difficult to get a hold of them
  3. Candidates want to reach out to alumni, but don't even know how to search for them
Neo's Headshot


"It is hard to know when alumni are going to show up in the office; there is very little communication".

Ayekha's Headshot


"Most of us Alumni are very busy, so we would appreciate a clear and direct way to be in contact with current Younglings".

Caleb's Headshot


"We used to have a platform on Discord where we could communicate, but it doesn't really work anymore".

Competitive Analysis

After speaking with the candidates, we understood that many of them used LinkedIn in an attempt to stay connected with the faculty and graduated alumni of Younglings. While LinkedIn's interface was generally well-liked, those we talked to felt unsatisfied mainly because:

2. Conceptualize

User Journey Mapping

By speaking with Neo and mapping his user journey, we were able to identify which processes were the most important.

Younglings User Journey

Cultural Differences

How Might We...
streamline important information for Younglings candidates and alumni, while creating a comfortable and efficient space for connection.

3. Design

Ideation Process

We sat down and got to work, starting to quickly sketch out our initial ideas on paper in a round of "Crazy Eight's".

Youngling's Paper Wireframe Sketches

Picking & Choosing What Works

We combined our sketches and chose aspects and elements that we felt worked from each page. We focused on addressing the Must-Haves before moving onto the Nice-To-Haves. I took the lead on the prototyping of the LogIn, Home Page and Account Page.

High-fidelity mockup of Younglings

Wireframes for Home and Account Pages.

Final Screens

After receiving feedback regarding spacing, consistency, and typographic sizing, we made minor adjustments that were ultimately impactful on pulling together the final screens. Through this process of iteration and re-iteration over four weeks, it became clear just how imperative attention to detail becomes when designing screens from scratch.

LogIn Screen

High-fidelity mockup of Younglings

Prototype of Younglings LogIn Page I built in Figma.

Home Page

The Home Page design was integral in setting the tone of the entire portal, making sure candidates felt encouraged to frequent the site.

Here's why this page design works:

High-fidelity mockup of Younglings

Prototype of Younglings Home Page I built in Figma.

Account Page

The Younglings Account Page needed to serve as a one-stop-shop for candidates to save their resources and plan their time at Younglings.

Here's why this page design works:

High-fidelity mockup of Younglings

Prototype of Younglings Home Page I built in Figma.

Younglings Alumni Portal Home Page.

Home Page

Here's why this page works:

  • Nod to comfortable design systems
  • Clear tags to classify alumni
  • Focus on important events
Younglings Alumni Portal Account Page.

Account Page

Here's why this page works:

  • Saved content easily accessible
  • Page for personal organization
  • Quick links to other pages

Final Thoughts

In the final week of our internship, my team and I presented our case study and final designs to the founder of Younglings. This project presented challenges for me due to the freedom we were given as designers and creative thinkers. In terms of design, there were very little expectations other than a few simple features. This meant that my team and I were tasked with deciding what an alumni portal would even look like for a non-profit educational program such as this one. The amount of creative freedom we were given was equally exciting as it was intimidating.

The founder was very impressed with our final proposed solution. The integration of this alumni portal into their business plan will allow Younglings to advance and grow exponentially, offering their students access to a beneficial community, even after they graduate from the program.

Success Moving Forward

Embedded Prototype